September 11, 2014 Technische Universität Darmstadt v. Eugen Ulmer KG Germany Copyright, Intellectual Property, Public Interest
September 11, 2014 Sotiris Papasavvas v. O Fileleftheros Dimosia Etairia Ltd., Takis Kounnafi, Giorgos Sertis Cyprus Advertising, Copyright, Intellectual Property
September 11, 2014 Loughran v. Century Newspapers Ltd United Kingdom Civil Defamation, Public Interest, Public Officials
September 16, 2014 Ordonnance du 16 Septembre 2014 (Google France Case) France Blog, Civil Defamation, Data Protection and Retention, Facebook, Google, Right to be forgotten
September 17, 2014 Cid Ferreira Gomes v. Três Editorial Brazil Corruption, Data Protection and Retention