December 17, 2004 Pedersen v. Denmark Denmark Civil Defamation, Criminal Defamation, Honor and Reputation
December 7, 2004 Petitioner v. Procuraduria General de la Republica (Public Prosecutor) 1005/04 Mexico Court Papers, Oversight Bodies, Public Interest
November 25, 2004 Afrodes and others v. President of the Republic Colombia Executive Branch, Government or State Speech, Honor and Reputation, Positive Obligations, Public Officials, Rights of Others, Truth
November 19, 2004 Gutiérrez v. President Peru Executive Branch, Open government principle, Public Interest
November 4, 2004 Petitioner v. Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional (Secretary of National Defense) 901/ 04 Mexico Oversight Bodies, Protection of personal data, Public Interest, Record Maintenance, Security Sector