April 20, 2005 Institute for Democracy in South Africa v. African National Congress South Africa Private entities
March 24, 2005 Clutchco (Pty) Ltd v. Davis South Africa Budget Information, Private entities, Scope of Information Covered
February 23, 2005 S. Afr., Trustees For the Time Being of the Biowatch Trust v. Registrar Genetic Resources and Others South Africa Commercial Confidentiality, Environment/ Natural Resources
December 17, 2004 Pedersen v. Denmark Denmark Civil Defamation, Criminal Defamation, Difamación escrita o transmitida por radio y television, Honor and Reputation
December 7, 2004 Petitioner v. Procuraduria General de la Republica (Public Prosecutor) 1005/04 Mexico Court Papers, Oversight Bodies, Public Interest