Global Freedom of Expression



The factsheets are tools created to complement our Special Collection papers of the case law on freedom of expression, by presenting an overview of key standards on topical issues regarding freedom of expression and access to information of some of the most significant legal decisions adopted by national and international tribunals.


Factsheet on the Case Law of the African System of Human and Peoples’ Rights

This Factsheet complements our Special Collection paper on the Case Law of the African System of Human and People’s Rights. It presents standards on freedom of expression and access to information identified in the jurisprudence of the African Court of Human and People’s Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. 


Factsheet on Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs)

This Factsheet complements our Special Collection paper How are courts responding to SLAPPs? Analysis of selected court decisions from across the globe, by focusing on the judicial interpretations of SLAPPs in different regions around the world. 


Factsheet on Internet Shutdowns in International Law

This Factsheet complements our Special Collection paper Internet Shutdowns in International Law, by focusing on the international standards linked to internet shutdowns and the relevant case law in this regard at the national and international levels.


Factsheet on Humor and Satire Case Law 

This Factsheet complements our Special Collection paper Humor and Free Speech: A Comparative Analysis of Global Case Law, which discusses international trends and recurring issues in humor-related jurisprudence, by analyzing cases from across the globe.


Factsheet on Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression

This Factsheet complements our Special Collection paper Case law on content moderation and freedom of expression. It contains a selection of the most important decisions by national courts on content moderation.