Global Freedom of Expression

Factsheet on the Case Law of the African System of Human and Peoples’ Rights

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  • Region

Factsheet on the Case Law of the African System of Human and Peoples’ Rights

Prepared by Anderson J. Dirocie De León

This Factsheet is meant to complement our Special Collection paper on the Case Law of the African System of Human and People’s Rights, by presenting an overview of key standards on topical issues regarding freedom of expression and access to information identified in the jurisprudence of the African Court of Human and People’s Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. For a complete list of case analyses of decisions of the African Commission included in our database, readers can click here. For a complete list of case analyses of decisions of the African Court, readers can click here. Readers can also access here the overview and global perspective section of our Special Collection paper for more background information on the African System of Human and People’s Rights and its interaction with other regional courts and international bodies.