Sindre Bangstad
Sindre Bangstad is a social anthropologist based in Norway, and works as a researcher at KIFO (Institute For Church, Religion and Worldview Research) in Oslo. He holds a cand. polit. degree in anthropology from the University of Bergen in Norway (2002) and a PhD in religious studies from Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2007). He is the author of inter alia Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia (Zed Books, 2014), The Politics of Mediated Presence: Exploring The Voices Of Muslims In Norway’s Mediated Public Spheres (Scandinavian Academic Press, 2015) and the forthcoming edited volume Anthropology in Our Times: From A Series In Public Anthropology (Palgrave MacMillan, 2016). Bangstad has a background from ethnographic research on Muslims in South Africa and Norway and has published in leading international scholarly journals. His recent work in the anthropology of law and human rights explores racism and Islamophobia and the intersections between free speech and hate speech with particular reference to the case of Norway. He blogs at: and maintains a professional page at: