Kyu Ho Youm
Kyu Ho Youm, the Jonathan Marshall First Amendment Chair professor at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, has published extensively about freedom of expression and information since the mid-1980s. His law journal articles have been cited by American and foreign courts, including the U.K. House of Lords, the Australian High Court, and the Canadian Supreme Court. Human rights lawyers have used his research in representing their clients in press freedom litigation in the U.S. and abroad. Youm has prepared a freedom of information (FOI) report for Open Society Justice Initiative’s The Right to Information: Good Law and Practice and the case briefing on freedom of speech and the press for ARTICLE 19. He has contributed to Media Law and Ethics (5th forthcoming), International Libel & Privacy Handbook (2013), and Media, Advertising &, Entertainment Law Throughout the World (2014). A native of South Korea, Youm is currently working on the Korean media law book for the International Encyclopaedia of Laws (IEL) project. He is the Communication Law and Media Policy editor of the 12-volume International Encyclopedia of Communication. He holds graduate degrees in journalism and law from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Yale, and Oxford.