Galina Arapova
Galina Arapova is director and senior media lawyer of the NGO Mass Media Defence Centre (Russia). She is a trustee of the human rights organization ARTICLE 19; Russian national expert on admissibility of the Council of Europe’s HELP program (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals); and a member of the International Media Lawyers Association. She undertook post graduate studies at the Institute of the World Economy and International Relations (Russian Academy of Sciences). She graduated from the European Law Institute (Birmingham, UK) in human rights law where she completed a practice program conducted with the Council of Europe. She is a Member of the UNECSO chair on Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights at the Institute of International Law and Economics (Moscow). Galina is the author of many publications on Russian media law and international standards in the field of freedom of expression, freedom of information, defamation, and Internet regulation. She is a practicing media lawyer, and has taken a number of cases to the European Court of Human Rights. She has wide experience as a lecturer and trainer on legal issues related to defamation, freedom of expression, freedom of information, and Article 10 of ECHR case law.