Global Freedom of Expression


Republic of South Africa Introduces Prevention and Combatting of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill

Key Details

  • Themes
    Hate Speech

The following bill was introduced to the Nation Assembly:

To give effect to the Republic’s obligations in terms of the Constitution and international human rights instruments concerning racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in accordance with international law obligations; to provide for the offence of hate crime and the offence of hate speech and the prosecution of persons who commit those offences; to provide for appropriate sentences that may be imposed on persons who commit hate crime and hate speech offences; to provide for the prevention of hate crimes and hate speech; to provide for the reporting on the implementation, application and administration of this Act; to effect consequential amendments to certain Acts of Parliament; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 

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Dario Milo

Attorney and Partner, Webber Wentzel, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa