Global Freedom of Expression


Is it time for the media to intervene in Strasbourg?

Key Details

  • Themes
    Access to Public Information, Defamation / Reputation, Licensing / Media Regulation

This new article argues that the media community in Europe should act with urgency to make greater use of ‘third party interventions’ before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.  Third party interventions provide an opportunity for the media to effectively promote a legal environment that is protective of freedom of expression and the free flow of information to the public. Through third party interventions the media have the opportunity to play a major role before the Strasbourg Court, to inform it about relevant laws and precedents and to highlight issues of public interest.  The article urges the media to take up this opportunity as a matter of urgency and provides practical guidance by describing the main steps that media organisations and their lawyers should take to do so.

Read the full article and download the PDF Here 


Richard N. Winfield

Chair, Fund for Peace, USA, Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School, Columbia University, USA

Alina Pravdychenko

Lawyer, Head of Educational Projects, Center for Democracy and Rule of Law, Kyiv, Ukraine

Vita Volodovska

Lawyer of Media Law Institute, manager of legislation direction, Center for Democracy and Rule of Law, Kyiv, Ukraine