Global Freedom of Expression

English Translation of the Public Inquiry Report into the Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia

Key Details

  • Region
    Europe and Central Asia
  • Themes
    Violence Against Speakers / Impunity

The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation has translated into English the complete Public Inquiry Report on the circumstances of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination. The landmark report concluded that the journalist’s assassination was “either intrinsically or directly linked to her investigative work” into offshore companies revealed through the release of the Panama Papers and was enabled by a “culture of impunity not only for senior officials in the public administration, including ‘persons of trust’ but also for a restricted circle of politicians, businesspeople and criminals.” The report details a range of tactics employed by authorities to silence her including verbal abuse, harassment, political propaganda, stalking and vexatious lawsuits, and ultimately the failure to protect her. The Report upholds international standards in its numerous recommendations to strengthen the rules of law based on recommendations made by the Venice Commission and the PACE Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee.