Global Freedom of Expression

Dirk Voorhoof: Significant Legal Ruling 2015 Award Speech

Key Details

  • Region
    Europe and Central Asia
  • Themes
    National Security

The 2015 Significant Legal Ruling Prize went to the judgment of  Rolfsen and Association of Norwegian Editors v. the Norwegian Prosecution Authority delivered by the Supreme Court of Norway.  Professor Dirk Voorhoof nominated the judgment for the Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prizes. In his award speech, Professor Voorhoof gives five reasons why this ruling deserves attention to inspire police, public prosecutors, security and intelligence services, judicial authorities and legislators in the whole world to uphold basic principles relating to freedom of expression and journalism, applied in this case on the protection of journalistic sources.


Dirk Voorhoof

Prof. em., Human Rights Center, Ghent University and Legal Human Academy, Denmark