Global Freedom of Expression

22 October


Sweet & Maxwell’s 17th Annual Human Rights Law Conference

  • 9:00am-5:00pm EST
  • Church House Conference Centre
    Dean's Yard, Westminster
    London England


Following the UK general election, Human Rights is once again a headline topic with the new government suggesting long reaching reforms. There have also been significant case law developments throughout 2015 and the implications are extensive for human rights professionals.

Sweet & Maxwell’s 17th Annual Human Rights Law Conference will examine a broad range of topical human rights issues. Key legal experts will interpret and discuss recent case law, and legislative developments will be reviewed by leading practitioners. Delegates will receive practical examples, tools and strategies to overcome inherent issues and challenges to prepare for the year ahead.

Book today and obtain a 15% discount when you quote ‘HRL15CU’.

Key conference topics include:

Relationship between the EU charter and the convention

The Bill of Rights and the HRA

Updates in immigration and asylum

Impact of the Immigration Act

Modern Slavery Act

Forced labour, slavery and trafficking

Children’s rights


Extra territorial jurisdiction

Criminal law updates

Surveillance, privacy, and freedom of information


Please visit more details.

To book please contact Max or call: +44 (0) 207 542 1349 or contact Cecilia McClaran: or call +44 (0)20 7542 0454

Alternatively click here