May 4, 2004 Petitioner v. Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional (Secretary of National Defense) 39/04 Mexico Court Papers, Open government principle, Oversight Bodies, Personal Data, Personal Information, Public Interest
April 6, 2004 In re Constitutionality of Acts LXIII of 1992 and LXV of 1995 Hungary Data Protection and Retention, Public Interest
March 8, 2004 Alcalá v. Carpio Colombia Civil Defamation, Honor and Reputation, Public Officials, Public service/Public goods, Whistleblowing
March 2, 2004 Law Society of Zimbabwe v. Minister of Communications Zimbabwe Attorney-client privilege
February 6, 2004 Bropho v. Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission Australia Discrimination, Satire/Parody
December 30, 2003 In re Articles 27 and 42 of Decree 1799 of 2000 Colombia Exceptions to the Right of Access to Information, Open government principle, Personal Information