Alberto Godioli
Alberto Godioli is Associate Professor at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), and program director of the Netherlands Research for Literary Studies (OSL). His research focuses on humor and free speech jurisprudence from an interdisciplinary perspective. He is principal investigator of an international research project on this topic (Humor in Court, NWO Vidi Grant, 2022-2027), in dialogue with stakeholders such as Columbia Global Freedom of Expression,
Cartoon Movement and Cartoonists’ Rights Network International. In 2022, together with Prof. Laura Little, he founded ForHum: Forum for Humor and the Law – a global platform bringing together lawyers, humor scholars, artists and other key actors interested in humor, freedom of expression and related legal matters. His publications on the subject include Humor and Free Speech: A Comparative Analysis of Global Case Law (with Jennifer Young; Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, Special Collection, 2023), Laughing Matters: Humor, Free Speech and Hate Speech at the European Court of Human Rights (with Jennifer Young and Matteo Fiori; International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 2022), and the special issue Humor and the Law: The Difficulty of Judging Jests (co-edited with Brigitte Adriaensen, Andrew Bricker and Ted Laros, HUMOR, 2022).